Secure Messaging : Send and Receive eReferrals and eDischarge Summary with Automation

The transition of care is well known to be a time of maximum risk. As a health or community care service provider, you know how important it is to securely share health information as part of structured clinical handover at transitions of care. To resolve these challenges, Today, we are excited to announce DC2Vue v3.6 – fully equipped to fill communication potholes between care provider organisations.

Healthcare providers exchange referrals, discharge summaries and many other letters every day. We implemented this new functionality as part of the Australian Digital Health Agency’s Secure Messaging Industry Offer, and it comes with a myriad of features. Below are just three of them.

National provider directory (NHSD) Integration

DC2Vue NHSD connectivity via FHIR API means health professionals can navigate health service provider directory quickly, safely and reliably. NHSD connects your health service to 300,000+ General Practices, Hospitals, Pharmacies and Emergency Departments, Aged Care, specialists and Allied Health Professionals, Disability and Community Services organisations.


Clinical and admin teams can search provider directory using a single user-friendly interface. This provides a measurable improvement in clinical and admin team efficiency.

Structured and standardised approach to clinical documentation

Secure messaging feature in DC2Vue is built to automate routine work and focus on what counts. We achieve this by supporting Clinical Document Architecture standards for eReferrals, specialist letters and discharge summaries. Structured clinical handover reduces communication errors between health service organisations and to improve patient safety.


Automated Correspondence Management with workflow

It is fully integrated into DC2Vue Referral and Discharge Summary modules. This can provide measurable improvement in organisational efficiency. Real-time delivery of priority clinical information, improved patient matching, send/receive of audit trail reduces the chances of communication breakdowns and frustrating admin tasks. DC2Vue offers secure messaging via Argus, Medical-Objects and HealthLink(NZ).


At DC2Vue, we believe that digital technology can play a key role in improving the quality, safety, and efficiency of health and community care service delivery. This state-of-the-art platform is fully equipped to fill communication potholes between care provider organisations and their patients, boost team care coordination whilst ensuring top-notch patient-centred care provision. Whether you like to see our solutions in action or to get your questions answered, we are happy to assist you.

By Nalaka Withanage

Nalaka Withanage directs the global technology strategy at Data Capture Experts (DCE), overseeing cross-functional teams to develop scalable platforms. Drawing on his extensive background in large-scale IT operations and health data management, he prioritises cloud-native architectures, data analytics, and robust security measures to deliver seamless digital healthcare solutions.

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