Explore Our Digital Health Platform Features

Our complete suite of advanced features for connected healthcare

Platform Features for Modern Healthcare Excellence

Intake & Registration

Simplify patient onboarding with customisable forms that capture essential information accurately, streamlining the registration process.

Referral Management

Automate referrals across departments to maintain continuity of care, ensuring all patients are efficiently directed to appropriate services.

Appointment & Scheduling

Manage resources effectively with real-time scheduling and automated reminders, improving patient access to healthcare services.

Clinical Notes

Document patient interactions consistently with standardised templates, improving data accessibility across teams.

Care Planning

Coordinate and manage patient care plans that are accessible across departments, supporting a unified approach to treatment.


Monitor and record vital signs in real-time, enabling healthcare teams to respond promptly to patient needs.

Task Management

Assign, track, and monitor tasks across departments, enhancing team collaboration and minimising missed steps in patient care.

Pathology & Imaging

Access lab results and imaging data directly within patient records, supporting timely clinical decision-making.

Bed Management

Optimise patient flow and manage bed occupancy with real-time updates, aiding in resource allocation and discharge planning.

Remote Patient Monitoring

Extend care into patients’ homes with secure remote monitoring tools, enabling continuous patient oversight.


Streamline medication management and ensure compliance with safety protocols, improving accuracy in prescribing.

Billing & Claiming

Automate billing and claims processing, reducing administrative workload and supporting financial compliance in public health.

Statutory Reporting

Generate compliant reports efficiently with tools that meet Australian public health regulations, ensuring your organisation remains audit-ready.

Patient Portal

Offer patients secure, 24/7 access to their health records, promoting patient engagement and reducing administrative queries.

Control Centre

Powerful, real-time operational and management dashboard solution designed to help organizations monitor and optimize performance across multiple teams, sites, and regions