Category: Patient Engagement

Why you need to integrate ePrescribing into your Patient Management System   
Digital Health Healthcare Digital Transformation Patient Engagement

Why you need to integrate ePrescribing into your Patient Management System   

Given the benefits, ePrescribing should be the default method for prescribing medicines. However, significant legal, patient privacy, and provider barriers impeded implementation historically. Fortunately, integrating ePrescribing into your patient management system is a convenient solution. Providers can reduce risks while meeting patient needs at the same time
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Improving Patient Consent Experience with Digital Signature
Digital Health Healthcare Digital Transformation Patient Engagement

Improving Patient Consent Experience with Digital Signature

Decisions are made frequently in any medical context. Doctors must first decide on a diagnosis before determining which treatment is best for certain patients' needs. Patients must next evaluate what they have heard and determine whether or not to pursue that same course of treatment, request a second opinion, or refuse a particular operation.
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Home Health Monitoring: 3 Reasons to Use an Integrated Home Health Monitoring System in Hospitals
Healthcare Digital Transformation News Patient Engagement

Home Health Monitoring: 3 Reasons to Use an Integrated Home Health Monitoring System in Hospitals

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Enabling Virtual Healthcare through modern Patient Portal Software
Patient Engagement

Enabling Virtual Healthcare through modern Patient Portal Software

Virtual healthcare has steadily grown in regularity throughout the last five years. However, when COVID-19 completely shut down the world in the blink of an eye, virtual healthcare went from a convenience to a necessity overnight...
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