Enabling Virtual Healthcare through modern Patient Portal Software

Virtual healthcare has steadily grown in regularity throughout the last five years. However, when COVID-19 completely shut down the world in the blink of an eye, virtual healthcare went from a convenience to a necessity overnight. Thankfully, the grip the pandemic had on the world is slowly loosening, but that reprieve has allowed healthcare professionals […]
Empowering mental health workforce using fit-for-purpose case management software

Things have changed. Mental health service providers are expected to constantly improve consumer outcomes, ensure compliance while maintaining cost effectiveness. These challenges require solutions that are adaptable, a technology platform that is responsive to changing business dynamics. Treatment and care in mental health are based on a multidisciplinary team approach. Teams normally include mental health nurses/registered nurses, social workers, […]
5 signs that your mental health service needs a cloud-based client management system

Is your mental health service in crisis? Are you being asked to achieve more, but with less? With a sharp increase in the number of ED mental health admissions, particularly among the adolescent population, how can you be expected to cope? There are many benefits to adopting an automated, cloud-based mental health client management system. […]
Improving mental health outcomes through digital care coordination

Each year, we mark World Mental Health Day to improve mental health awareness, education and advocacy worldwide. And for a good reason, too. Did you know that the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare estimates that, each year, around 20% of all adult Australians will suffer from some form of mental health illness? It’s more […]
The 6 Must-Have Qualities of a Patient Referral Management System

Hospitals with specialist clinics today are challenged to manage the lifecycle of referrals in an effective and efficient manner. This results in longer patient waiting times, Underutilisation of provider organisation resources and assets creating operational inefficiencies and lost revenue. Hospital revenue is determined through the portion of patient referrals who have completed their appointments. Missed […]