Category: Digital Health

Best Practices in Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management
Digital Health Healthcare Revenue

Best Practices in Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management

Healthcare systems are generally bad at keeping track of patient revenue throughout the care journey. Disjointed systems, fragmented frameworks, and digital disorganisation make the task more challenging. Therefore, hospitals, clinics, and doctor's offices need to adopt healthcare revenue cycle best practices. But what are they, exactly? And how can you implement them? Thought leaders identify seven critical...
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How to Prevent Patient Referral Leakage with Digital Care Coordination
Digital Health

How to Prevent Patient Referral Leakage with Digital Care Coordination

Coordinating patient care so that they remain in-network is challenging. Physicians don’t always have a comprehensive system overview when they make a referral, causing some patients to go elsewhere. Consequently, networks lose revenue. Therefore, preventing patient referral leakage with digital care coordination is a priority for many healthcare providers. Operators must understand why and where...
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Why you need to integrate ePrescribing into your Patient Management System   
Digital Health Healthcare Digital Transformation Patient Engagement

Why you need to integrate ePrescribing into your Patient Management System   

Given the benefits, ePrescribing should be the default method for prescribing medicines. However, significant legal, patient privacy, and provider barriers impeded implementation historically. Fortunately, integrating ePrescribing into your patient management system is a convenient solution. Providers can reduce risks while meeting patient needs at the same time
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6 Real-world uses of FHIR and Interoperability in Digital Care Coordination
Digital Health Healthcare Digital Transformation

6 Real-world uses of FHIR and Interoperability in Digital Care Coordination

Technology has quickly transformed the way that we operate in the healthcare industry. One of the most recent trends that hospitals and healthcare centers are starting to adopt is the way we handle information. More specifically, the way medical records are stored and shared. Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) is a global industry standard for...
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4 Ways to Elevate Healthcare Staff Experience with Digital Technology
Community Health Digital Health

4 Ways to Elevate Healthcare Staff Experience with Digital Technology

More than 80% of healthcare organizations currently have human experience as the highest priority to combat the #greatresignation. The transformation journey includes humancentric, process excellence and technology. Platforms like DC2Vue provide the capabilities to elevate healthcare staff experience and integrate with other clinical tools with common service data model concepts.
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